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40多年来,TC能源一直与土著群体接触. We recognize 土著 groups as rightsholders who have a distinct relationship to the l和. We underst和 that our business activities have the potential to affect these groups in tangible ways.



我们的土著关系 team engages early 和 often with potentially affected 土著 groups to underst和 their interests, 识别机会, 回应他们的担忧和 促进参与 全球十大赌博靠谱平台我们的项目. We identify 和 create opportunities that support these groups through education 和 training, 社区的遗产, 奖学金与土著承包商和企业的接触. 通过共同努力,确保与土著群体的公开交流, we strive to earn their respect 和 trust to establish 和 grow positive long-term relationships.

我们的土著关系 政策, 策略指导原则 告知我们与土著群体的工作. 在下面了解更多.

Commitment made in 1970s to 土著 engagement while planning pipeline projects in northern Canada
土著 awareness training sessions offered to employees 和 contractors since 2001



  • Recognizing the unique connection 土著 人s have with the l和 和 their community governance.
  • 确保与土著群体进行有意义和尊重的接触, 尽可能早, 使用有原则的方法.
  • Achieving regulatory certainty using a pragmatic approach in the jurisdiction where we are building or operating.
  • 建立创新的项目策略, 反映参与和监管结果是可辩护的, 商业上合理,社区主导.

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TC能源致力于成为安全能源输送领域的领导者, 负责任和可持续的态度, 确保我们的定位是最大化长期价值创造.




TC能源 believes mutual success is anchored in relationships based on trust 和 respect. 这是我们每天都在做的事情. 我们用行动证明我们的诚信.



We bring value to our relationships with 土著 groups through project‑specific 和 long‑term career 和 business opportunities.



We conduct ourselves as partners committed to forging 协作s that result in lasting, 对公司和土著群体都有积极的影响.



Participation agreements are one way we work with 土著 groups potentially affected by our activities to acknowledge their unique governance, 与土地的关系和法律地位.


让员工和承包商更深入地了解历史, cultures 和 traditions of 土著 peoples is essential for successful engagement with 土著 groups.

我们为我们的土著意识培训计划提供多层次的方法. In 2020, we began developing new m和atory annual company-wide training that focuses on educating all employees, contractors 和 members of the Board of Directors on the history 和 cultures of 土著 peoples in North America, 培训将于2021年推出.

自2001年以来, we have offered – 和 continue to provide – additional training modules open to all interested employees 和 contractors. 培训内容包括特定地区的历史, cultural practices 和 h和s-on experiences such as smudges 和 sharing circles led by Elders, as well as online 和 in-person workshops on our policies 和 engagement expectations.

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40多年来,我们一直在与土著群体接触. We are committed to building 和 sustaining 土著 support for TC能源’s projects 和 operations through early, 正在进行的, 诚实的沟通, 通过减轻影响, 并建立互利的伙伴关系, 认识到我们的许多活动发生在传统土地上.

在加拿大, 磋商的责任始终由国王承担, is driven by the fiduciary obligations of the Crown to 土著 peoples under treaty 和 law. The duty arises whenever the Crown is making a decision that may adversely affect the exercise of Aboriginal 和 Treaty rights, 受s保护.1982年宪法法案第35条.

The Crown can delegate procedural aspects to an Industry proponent to assist in fulfilling its duty, as proponents are often in the best position to address 土著 groups’ concerns related to projects. TC能源’s engagement with 土著 groups aims to build relationships with 土著 groups by exchanging information 和 address project related issues 和 concerns 和 can include delegated procedural aspects.

在美国.S. 和墨西哥, the government has not delegated procedural aspects of consultation to project proponents. 在美国.联邦政府负责协商的所有方面, 包括决定咨询哪些群体, 界定咨询指引, 并在需要时与他们达成协议. Project proponents are permitted to supplement government or regulatory agency consultation activities with 土著 groups, 但协商的责任仍由政府承担. 在墨西哥, consultation with 土著 groups is the responsibility of the federal government 和 is led by the Secretaría de Energía (SENER).

TC能源通过桌面研究的结合来识别土著群体, regulators’ guidance 和 the company’s own operating experience – including past projects in the region, 与土著群体的现有协议, 并与项目地区的土著群体建立了联系网络.


  • 美国的部落保留地和祖传土地.S
  • 第一民族保护区, 土著 settlements 和 communities 和 asserted traditional territory of 土著 人s in Canada 和
  • 墨西哥的原住民定居点和社区.

除了, TC能源 engages with any 土著 group that self-identifies as a potentially affected party to underst和 their interests, the nature of their concerns 和 to determine the most appropriate method of engagement going forward.

加拿大,美国.S. 和墨西哥 (the three countries within which TC能源 operates) have distinct laws pertaining to the protection of 土著 rights 和 interests, 第三十二条规定.3 . 《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》. Where TC能源’s business activities have the potential to affect 土著 groups, we listen to their issues 和 concerns 和 work with them to incorporate their traditional knowledge in project design 和 planning, 通过在当地雇佣和购买来减少负面影响并最大化收益.

We aim to build mutually beneficial partnerships where benefits outweigh the impacts, 对于那些受我们活动影响最大的人来说,我们的遗产是积极的. 在加拿大, we are seeking to exp和 benefits for equity participation in our projects 和 assets because the best way to align interests is to sit at the table together as partners/owners. 通过所有这些努力, we strive to be considered a partner of choice for 土著 groups 和 play a meaningful role in reconciliation. 通过采用这种方法, we adhere to 和 often exceed the regulatory requirements of the respective jurisdictions.

TC能源 recognizes the unique connection 土著 peoples have to the l和 和 resources, 我们的目标是预测, 防止, mitigate 和 manage conditions that have the potential to affect 土著 groups 和 to enhance benefits for the most impacted 土著 groups over the life of a project across all business lines 和 jurisdictions. 我们的项目参与是根据我们的土著关系 政策, 策略,  指导原则以及不断发展的法律和监管环境.

TC能源's routing criteria are intended to minimize the proposed route's environmental 和 socio-economic effects, 包括对土著传统使用地点的潜在影响, 区域, 和活动. Feedback 和 traditional knowledge received through 土著 engagement are considered in project planning, 包括路由细化, to mitigate project-related effects on the exercise of 土著 rights 和 balance all relevant factors of the route selection criteria, 适当的. 不管我们在哪个地区运作, we aim to reach consent 全球十大赌博靠谱平台我们的项目 with 土著 groups through early engagement, 诚实的交流, 互惠互利的关系.

TC能源 makes every effort to track the overall percentage of 土著 employment; however, 这些信息是基于自我认同的. It is not a practice of TC能源 to require self-identification by any employee or contractor.

我们提供了一个多层次的方法,我们的土著意识培训模块. 自2001年以来, 我们提供了土著意识培训, 它概述了我们公司的土著关系政策, 向所有感兴趣的员工和承包商提供战略和指导原则. 除了课堂上的培训, we regularly facilitate opportunities for employees to learn firsth和 about history, 礼仪和文化通过亲身体验. 

自2001年以来,共有2220名员工和承包商接受了这一培训. 在2022年,我们举办了7期,172人参加了这个培训. In 2021, 我们还开发了, 并听取了TC能源原住民员工的意见, an online m和atory training module covering 土著 peoples' history 和 cultures. 所有加拿大雇员和某些承包商都实行了这一制度. 到2023年4月15日,92%的加拿大劳动力完成了培训. Additionally, an interactive session was provided to members of our Board of Directors.

我们通过跟踪来衡量参与方法的有效性, 应对, striving to resolve all issues 和 concerns raised by 土著 groups with whom we engage. We have developed an approach to resolve issues 和 concerns outside the regulatory process with groups most impacted by our operations, 旨在获得他们的支持. We have also established mechanisms to check in 和 get feedback from 土著 groups on the status of relationships 和 ways to improve. 

TC能源 implements the 土著 engagement program to develop 和 strengthen relationships with 土著 groups 和 to foster productive dialogue throughout the asset lifecycle. 创造积极的, long-term relationships is always the goal of TC能源’s engagement with 土著 groups.

While TC能源 does not use agreements as a measure of success in 土著 engagement, we do enter into agreements with 土著 groups potentially affected by our activities, 比如能力资助协议, 传统知识资助协议, 社区和参与协议.

In 2021, we entered into a total of 94 agreements with 46 土著 groups we engage with across Canada. Meanwhile, in 2022, we executed 45 agreements with 39 土著 groups across Canada.


电邮至 土著_relations@felisayslisten.com打电话给我们 1-855-895-8754 或浏览我们的 全球十大赌博靠谱平台页面 了解更多信息.